
Providing best practises for tech and SMBs

Path to getting certified in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft has been pushing Teams for the last few years and it has had some truly exceptional growth over this time. However when COVID-19 hit in March 2020, it reached record high usage and actually crashed under the massive increase due to home working. This tool is set to become one of the most used…

Deploying a WordPress website via Ansible

WordPress is one of the most widely used website platforms. However one of the major issues with it is the lax security setups that are done when it is setup.  The follow Ansible script will setup a blank WordPress site. This script will automatically install PHP, NGINX, MariaDB and provide some fantastic security settings as…

How to bulk delete e-mails in Gmail

I found myself running out of space on an old Gmail account of mine that I had for over 10 years.  There was over 800,000 e-mails in it and I didn’t need anything that was older than 5 years.  The problem was that Gmail has no simple way to bulk delete old e-mails.  After some…
Install WordPress

Installing WordPress using best practices

When choosing which platform to build your website with, WordPress is a brilliant choice for most startups and small businesses. In fact over a third of all websites on the internet are built using WordPress. The main reason for this is that WordPress offers: Install Prerequisites For the purpose of this tutorial we will assume…


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